George Woo

Born in Dehua County, Fujian Province, he has made arts & crafts and participated in art classes since he was a child.

1998-2011: Majored in Arts in Xiamen University and participated in art training in institude of arts and crafts in the meantime;

2003: Studied English and learned about western culture in Australia

2004-2007: Completed his bachelor degree(Business Management) in Singapore.

Travelled to many countries to study about the local lifestyles and raised his awareness of the importance of the integration of product design and lifestyles.

2007-Now: Work in Newwish Light Industrial Ltd.(Xiamen)

Career path:

Marketing Promotor

Regional Sales Manager

Manager of the Development Department

Design Director( in charge of the R&D work of the company)


Release Date:Dec. 23,2013