Vlady Cornateanu

Outstanding Entrepreneur and Consultant in Apparel Industry in the US. Vlady Cornateanu is a professional in the US apparel industry with over 25 years of experience. During his extensive travels throughout the country to source and produce private label apparel for the US clients, Vlady discovered the new face of China, the development of China  and the incredible business opportunities in China. Vlady studied Chinese economy with great interest while making many business connections in China. A new venture that he started in 2005 was to bring US apparel companies into China and introduce them to the vast business opportunities. In the same token, Vlady has an unmatched passion to assist Chinese companies that are looking to expand into the US market and help them establish direct businesses in America.

Being part of the California Fashion  business for over two decades, Vlady helped many designers develop their products in the US as well as in China, participating as a consultant and juried a great amount of fashion shows/competitions both in the US as well as in other countries. With an unmatched attendance of the Canton Fair in the past decades, Vlady Cornateanu watched with great interest the development of the Chinese high end fashion industry. With the newly established cooperation with PDC, Vlady Cornateanu intends to bring the top Chinese designers to trade shows and exhibits in the US.


Release Date:Jun. 24,2016