Per Karl Johan Bertilsson
Dean of NCS School of Design
Executive of CMG, the Color Marketing Group in the United States

Mr. Karl Johan Bertilsson, Stockholm, Sweden

Mr. Karl, Vice President of NCS Color AB , the Creative Director of NCS Color Academy, a subsidiary of NCS Color AB. He is a color expert of NCS Sweden, a world master of color design and management also, he has conducted color studies and projects with universities and color experts and famous companies worldwide
Mr. Karl Johan Bertilsson has over thirty years experience in color and education field, is deeply comprehensive with 400 hundreds long history NCS color research. He has good experiences in exterior, interior, furniture and products design with color and color trends.
Mr. Karl has been on the board director of Color Marketing Group(CMG) in USA with good background and knowledge of color trends.

Release Date:Sep. 21,2016