Choi Ki Ho

Professor of Cheongju University, Korea

South Korea U2 Design Consulting CEO

1988 ~ 2002 LG Electronics Design and Research Group Leader


Awarded the LG Electronics International Public Offering Gold Award

Awarded to Korea Industrial Design Exhibition Special Award

Awarded the Good Design Award

Awarded the Good Design Success Story Business and Industry Minister Award

Awarded LG Electronics Credit Award

Awarded the LG Electronics Service Invention Award

Awarded Japan's Good Design Award for Excellence

Awarded the Best of the Energy Association's Communications Machines Award

Awarded the German iF Award 3 times, the Korea Good Design Award 62 times, and 30 times in other overseas awards

Reviewer of 2007WIDFair Public Exhibition in Ningbo, China

Invited speech by China Shunde Design Association

China Midea College Student Reviewer.

China Ningbo Design Association / Guangzhou Shunde Design Association speech

Invited to speak for China OPPO, Midea, Haier, Hisence, TCL, AUX, Gree, SUPOR

Invited to give a consultation speech to the Korean Design Association KIDP

Korea Kyung Hee University / Korea Hancheng University / South Korea Shi Ming University Lecturer

Release Date:Sep. 5,2018